Amiga Plus 1996 #3
Amiga Plus CD - 1996 - No. 3.iso
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Text File
390 lines
;================================= ENGLISH ==================================
(set languages-default 1)
(set #bad-kick "You must be using Kickstart 2.04+ to install SysSpeed")
(set #copy-main "Copying SysSpeed...")
(set #copy-datas "Copying SysSpeed datafiles...")
(set #copy-doc "Copying Documentation...")
(set #copy-reqtools-library "Copying reqtools.library to Libs: ...")
(set #copy-powerpacker-library "Copying powerpacker.library to Libs: ...")
(set #copy-expname-library "Copying expname.library to Libs: ...")
(set #copy-xpkmaster-library "Copying xkpmaster.library to Libs: ...")
(set #copy-shri-library "Copying xpkSHRI.library to Libs:Compressors/ ...")
(set #copy-fonts "Copying XEN Font to Fonts: ...")
(set #install-select
"Please select the different parts of SysSpeed that you"
" would like to install:"
(set #install-select-help
"SysSpeed: The Ultimate Speedtester...\n"
(set #doc-select
"Please select your favourite documentation that you would"
" like to install:"
(set #doc-select-help
"Select you favourite documentation!"
(set #item-main "SysSpeed Mainprogram")
(set #item-datas "SysSpeedDatas")
(set #item-doc "Documentation")
(set #item-libraries "Libraries")
(set #item-fonts "XEN Font")
(set #where-main "Where would you like to install the SysSpeed mainprogram?")
(set #where-main-help
"This is the destination directory for the SysSpeed mainprogram"
(set #where-datas "Where would you like to install Datas for SysSpeed ?")
(set #where-datas-help
"This is the destination directory of Datas for SysSpeed!"
(set #where-doc "Where would you like to install the Documentations?")
(set #install-exit
"Thank you for installing SysSpeed ..."
(set #install-start
"\nWelcome to SysSpeed installation utility!\n\n"
"Written and performed by cLYDE rADCLIFFE/AD!\n"
;===[ German Documentation ]=================================================
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set languages-default 2)
(set #bad-kick "Man benötigt Kickstart 2.04 oder höher, um SysSpeed benutzen zu können!")
(set #copy-main "Kopiere SysSpeed...")
(set #copy-doc "Kopiere Dokumentation...")
(set #copy-reqtools-library "Kopiere reqtools.library ins Libs: ...")
(set #copy-powerpacker-library "Kopiere powerpacker.library ins Libs: ...")
(set #copy-expname-library "Kopiere powerpacker.library ins Libs: ...")
(set #copy-xpkmaster-library "Kopiere xkpmaster.library ins Libs: ...")
(set #copy-shri-library "Kopiere shri.library ins Libs:Compressors/ ...")
(set #copy-fonts "Kopiere XEN Zeichensatz ins Fonts: ...")
(set #install-select
"Bitte wähle die einzelnen Teile des SysSpeed's, aus die"
" Du installieren möchtest:"
(set #doc-select
"Bitte wähle die Dokumentationen aus die Du installieren"
" möchtest:"
(set #item-main "SysSpeed Hauptprogramm")
(set #item-datas "SysSpeed Datenfiles")
(set #item-doc "Anleitung")
(set #item-libraries "Libraries")
(set #item-fonts "XEN Zeichensatz")
(set #where-main "Wohin möchtest Du SysSpeed installieren?")
(set #where-main-help
"Dies ist das Zielverzeichnis von SysSpeed."
(set #where-datas "Wohin möchtest Du die Daten von SysSpeed installieren?")
(set #where-datas-help
"Dies ist das Zielverzeichnis, von den daten die das"
" SysSpeed benötigt!"
(set #where-doc "Wohin möchtest Du die Dokumentation installieren?")
(set #install-exit
"Vielen Dank für die Installation von SysSpeed ..."
(set #install-start
"\nWillkommen zur SysSpeed Installation!\n\n"
"Geschrieben von cLYDE rADCLIFFE/AD!\n"
;============================== PROGRAM-START================================
(set @default-dest "")
; Check Kickstart (>= v2.0) Version.
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #bad-kick)
(message #install-start)
(set install-default 15)
(if (NOT (exists "Fonts:XEN" (noreq)))
(set install-default (BITOR install-default 16))
(set install-files
(prompt #install-select)
(help #install-select-help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
(default install-default)
(set startup-files 0)
(if (BITAND install-files 1)
(set main-dest
(prompt #where-main)
(help #where-main-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:")
(if (BITAND install-files 2)
(set datas-dest
(prompt #where-datas)
(help #where-datas-help "\n\n" @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:")
; Check + DefaultSet + Request Of Documentation(s)
(if (BITAND install-files 4)
(if (= @LANGUAGE "deutsch")
(set doc-default 2)
(set doc-default 1)
(set doc-files
(prompt #doc-select)
(help #doc-select-help "\n\n" @askoptions-help)
"SysSpeed... English"
"SysSpeed... Deutsch"
(default doc-default)
(set doc-dest
(prompt #where-doc)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "SYS:")
;========================== COPY STARTS HERE ===============================
; Copy SysSpeed MainProgram
(if (BITAND install-files 1)
(prompt #copy-main)
(source "SysSpeed")
(dest main-dest)
(delete (tackon main-dest ".info"))
(complete 14)
; Copy DataFiles
(if (BITAND install-files 2)
(prompt #copy-datas)
(source "SysSpeedData")
(dest (tackon datas-dest "SysSpeedData"))
(complete 28)
;Copy selected Documentations
(if (BITAND install-files 4)
(set n 0)
(set doc
(select n
(if (IN doc-files n)
(if (exists (tackon "" doc))
(prompt #copy-doc)
(source (tackon "" doc))
(dest doc-dest)
(set n (+ n 1))
(delete (tackon doc-dest ".info"))
(complete 42)
;Copy reqtools.library to libs:
(if (BITAND install-files 8)
(prompt #copy-reqtools-library)
(source "Libs/reqtools.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(complete 56)
(prompt #copy-powerpacker-library)
(source "Libs/powerpacker.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(complete 63)
(prompt #copy-expname-library)
(source "Libs/expname.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(complete 70)
(prompt #copy-xpkmaster-library)
(source "Libs/xpkmaster.library")
(dest "Libs:")
(complete 84)
(prompt #copy-shri-library)
(source "Libs/compressors/xpkshri.library")
(dest "Libs:compressors")
(complete 90)
(if (BITAND install-files 16)
(prompt #copy-fonts)
(source "Fonts")
(dest "Fonts:")
(complete 100)
(EXIT #install-exit)